#1 YONI MAPPING BODYWORK (Awakening, Breath, Presence & Grounding) **

Tantra Presence Breath Grounding

Tantra Presence Breath Grounding Bodywork Women Brisbane with Aleena Aspley




(Session One: 4 Hours)


Tantra Presence Breath Grounding


YONI MAPPING BODYWORK offers an exclusive and personalized approach tailored for women, with the aim of enhancing her pleasure, intimacy, and her personal sexual self-discovery.

During her initial Yoni Whisperer Bodywork session, the primary focus is to guide her in establishing a deep connection with her body, attaining a state of profound relaxation, releasing cellular trauma and tension, and awakening to the expansive realm of pleasure that lies within her body and Yoni (vagina).

Through the cultivation of grounding and mindfulness in the present moment, the integration of powerful NEO Tantric breath-work practices, and my transformative Chakrassage Bodywork technique, which activates the flow of kundalini energy along the spine, she has the potential to experience a significant personal sexual awakening and liberation.

This transformation is characterized by the presence of low Theta brain waves, signifying a state of deep relaxation and receptivity. In this relaxed state, her body and mind can fully surrender, allowing for the release of stored cellular trauma and facilitating a profound sense of holistic intimate full-body and Yoni healing.


PERMISSION & CONSENT – At all times during your hands-on bodywork session, I will be asking permission to touch intimately. For instance, I will say, “I am asking  permission to massage your breasts”.  A “yes” verbal answer, gives me permission to continue. Asking for consent, to continue, is important to her body, as every cell of her body acknowledges her “yes” answer.

EMOTIONAL RELEASE & TRAUMA – During a Yoni Whisperer Vaginal Mapping session, there can be emotional release such as feeling sad or even anger. A woman may want to scream, she may shake from trauma release. Allowing these emotions to release is extremely healing for a female and without judgement, all emotions are welcome.

SCAR TISSUE REMEDIATION MASSAGE – Vaginal scar remediation massage is a specialized technique aimed at addressing physical and emotional trauma related to pain and scars in the vaginal area. Scars can result from various causes such as childbirth, surgical procedures or injuries during sex. These scars may not only impact the physical functioning of the vagina but can also hold emotional and energetic imprints from the traumatic experiences.

The goal of vaginal scar remediation massage is to address pain, release tension, restore mobility, and promote healing in the scar tissue, while also addressing any emotional or energetic blocks associated with the trauma. The process involves gentle and sensitive touch, applied externally and internally, to the scar tissue and surrounding areas.

My Yoni Whisperer Bodywork studio, is a safe place, for a woman to fully surrender and forget about her commitments, her work, her busy lifestyle and the outside world.


Tantra Presence Breath Grounding


Tantra Presence Breath Grounding

Upon your arrival, we will initiate an important and comprehensive discussion centered around your sexual health.

This conversation serves as an opportunity for you to openly share, while I actively listen and provide a supportive environment. Together, we will explore your sexual history in detail, dedicating ample time, typically at least one hour, to ensure a thorough understanding of your sexual health.

During our conversation, we will delve into the specific issues and concerns you would like to address in your Yoni Whisperer Bodywork session or sessions. By gaining valuable insights from this discussion, we can tailor the experience to meet your unique needs and guide our approach effectively.

The ultimate goal of the Yoni Whisperer Bodywork session is to holistically address any factors that may hinder you from fully embracing your sensual, awakened, and sex-positive essence.

Through a comprehensive and compassionate exploration and a strong focus on your overall well-being and personal growth, our collaboration will create a safe and nurturing space for you to explore, heal, and fully embrace your innate sensuality. Together, we will embark on a transformative path, supporting you in becoming the empowered, vibrant goddess you are destined to be.




  • A One Hour Full Sexual Health History
  • Consent, Permission and Boundary Protocols
  • Breath, Focus, Movement and Intention Coaching
  • Sensate Touch Relaxation
  • Chakrassage (Kundalini Awakening) Bodywork
  • Slow Breast Massage
  • Chi Nei Tsang Abdominal Massage
  • Yoni / Vaginal Mapping Bodywork
  • Vaginal De-armoring to release Cellular Trauma
  • Scar Remediation Massage to Dissolve Internal Pain
  • Warm Organic Coconut Oil
  • Transformational Touch to Awaken MORE Pleasure
  • A Comfortable, Relaxing and SAFE Environment
  • A Friendly, Heart-felt & Positive Experience
  • Profound Relaxation into Theta Brain Waves (Zero Brain Chatter)
  • Sex Coaching / Somatic Sex Education
  • Self Pleasure Technqiues to take home and practice
  • Chakrassage is an awakening modality of Aleena Aspley





Tantra Presence Breath Grounding


There are many different reasons:-

  • Self-Exploration and Empowerment: A yoni massage provides an opportunity for women to explore and connect with her own body in a safe and nurturing environment. It can help her gain a deeper understanding of her anatomy, sensations, and pleasure potential, promoting a sense of empowerment and body acceptance.
  • Emotional Healing and Release: The yoni is often regarded as a sacred and sensitive area connected to a woman’s emotional well-being. A yoni massage can support the release of stored emotions, trauma, or past experiences held in the pelvic region. By creating a space for emotional healing and release, it can contribute to overall emotional balance and well-being.
  • Stress Reduction and Relaxation: Just like any other form of massage, a yoni massage can induce deep relaxation, reduce stress, and promote overall physical and mental well-being. It allows women to let go of tension and experience a profound sense of relaxation and rejuvenation.
  • Increased Sensitivity and Pleasure: The gentle and focused touch involved in a yoni massage can help increase sensitivity and awaken pleasure in the pelvic area. It can help individuals expand their capacity for pleasure, experience new sensations, and enhance their overall sexual well-being.
  • Healing Sexual Issues or Discomfort: She may experience sexual difficulties or discomfort, such as pain during intercourse, vulvodynia, vaginismus, or difficulties reaching orgasm, may seek a yoni massage as part of her healing journey. The therapeutic touch and techniques used in a yoni massage can help address physical tension, release muscular tightness, and promote relaxation in the pelvic area.
  • De-Armoring, Trauma Recovery and Healing: For a woman who have experienced sexual trauma or abuse, a yoni massage can be a part of her healing journey. It can be a therapeutic tool for de-armoring, reclaiming and reconnecting with her body, helping to restore trust, release trauma, and promote healing on both physical and emotional levels.
  • Vaginal Pain, Internal Injury & Scar Tissue: Vaginal scar remediation massage is a gradual process that respects the individual’s pace and comfort level. Each session builds upon the previous one, allowing her body to dissolve intimate scar tissue, open to pleasure, regain her libido and release stored tension. The goal of scar tissue remediation massage is to regain her sexual confidence, feel pleasure and open to orgasm.
  • Body Love and Acceptance: Yoni massage can support a woman in embracing and accepting her body, including her genitals. It encourages self-love, body positivity, and a sense of reverence for the feminine essence. Through the nurturing touch and non-judgmental presence of her Yoni Mapping Practitioner, she can develop a deeper sense of self-acceptance, body love and appreciation.
  • Religious Indoctrination:  Religious teachings can often instill shame, guilt, and restrictive beliefs around her sexuality and view intimate pleasure as sinful. A yoni massage can open doors to new beliefs and perspectives regarding her sexuality, pleasure, and spirituality. It can help her question and reframe her limiting beliefs that were ingrained through religious indoctrination, allowing for a more expansive and empowered understanding of her own sexual expression.
  • Spiritual Connection and Awakening: She may seek a yoni massage as a means to explore her spiritual and energetic dimensions. It can facilitate a deeper connection to one’s divine femininity, expand consciousness, and invite spiritual awakening.
  • Self Pleasure Masturbation Coaching: She may want guidance on masturbation techniques that she can practice at home. A skilled Yoni practitioner can provide expert coaching tailored to her specific needs and offer personalized guidance on self-pleasure techniques, including different types of touch, strokes, and movements that can enhance pleasure and arousal.


Tantra Presence Breath Grounding

Tantra Presence Breath Grounding




#1 Yoni Mapping Bodywork

#2 Yoni Mapping Bodywork

  • Sound Expansion – Finding her Voice
  • Chakrassage (Kundalini Awakening Massage)
  • Vulva & Vaginal Mapping Bodywork
  • Vaginal De-armoring – Releasing Cellular Trauma
  • Scar Remediation Massage (if required)
  • Clitoral Phimosis — Adhesion Release Bodywork (if required)
  • Vaginal De-armoring – Releasing Cellular Trauma
  • Allow 3 to 4 Hours – $300

#3  Yoni Mapping Bodywork

  • Full Body Bliss Pleasure Mapping
  • Chakrassage (Kundalini Awakening Massage)
  • Vulva & Vaginal Mapping Bodywork
  • Vaginal De-armoring – Releasing Cellular Trauma
  • Scar Remediation Massage (if required)
  • Clitoral Phimosis — Adhesion Release Bodywork (if required)
  • Allow 3 to 4 Hours – $300

 #4 Yoni Orgasmic Mapping Bodywork (Advanced)

  • Chakrassage (Kundalini Awakening Massage)
  • Intimate Vaginal Orgasmic Mapping
  • 10 Unique Vaginal Pleasure Spots
  • Awakening to Luminous Energy Orgasms
  • Squirting Welcome
  • Allow 4 Hours – $500

#5 Tantric Domination Bodywork & Orgasmic Mapping

  • Tantric Domination with Kinkassage® Bodywork
  • Sensate Bodywork with an arrangement of unique Toys
  • Domination & Kink bodywork to open the body to profound & heightened pleasure
  • 10 Unique Vaginal Pleasure Spots
  • Awakening to Luminous Energy Orgasms
  • Squirting Welcome
  • Allow 3 to 4 Hours
  • Session #5 – $300
  • As a stand alone session – $500




Ms. Aleena Aspley

Certified Sexological Bodyworker / Somatic Sex Educator

NEO Tantra & Chakrassage Professional


Yoni Whisperer Bodywork with Aleena Aspley



By Appointment: Monday to Friday until 9pm

I work occassional weekends – just ask

My Bodywork Directory – www.AleenaAspley.com


Tantra Presence Breath Grounding

Association of Certified Sexological Bodyworkers




Tantra Presence Breath Grounding