FLUID BONDING — Taking it Slow when choosing a Long-Term Partner

Fluid Bonding Partner Attraction

Fluid Bonding Partner Attraction

Fluid Bonding Partner Attraction — Having sex is a  deeply intimate experience between two people, can be captivating and profoundly emotional. However, like many aspects of life, it’s essential to be aware of the potential risks and complexities involved.

In today’s blog, we’ll explore the phenomenon where two individuals engage in unprotected sex, leading to intense feelings of “everlasting love” and a sense of having found their “true soul mate.” We’ll examine the role of hormones in forging these emotional connections and consider the importance of cautious decision-making, especially before allowing our body fluids to create bonds that may not align with our long-term compatibility.




Have you ever met someone, your eyes met, their energy was amazing, you couldn’t keep your hands off them and you jumped into a sexual relationship with them right away?  After sex you then found yourself unable to stop thinking about them and your brain is unable to stop fantasizing about the fun things that you can do together. The rush of emotions in such situations often includes feelings of love and romance, which can be quite exciting and intense.






However, it’s crucial to recognize that these emotions may be influenced by hormonal responses, particularly the release of bonding hormones like oxytocin during intimate encounters. Oxytocin, often referred to as the “love hormone,” has the power to generate strong sensations of attachment and connection.

While these emotions are undoubtedly genuine and can be profoundly meaningful, it’s equally important to acknowledge that they may not necessarily indicate long-term compatibility or the foundation of a lasting, deep love. In some cases, the initial surge of emotions, driven by hormonal reactions, might lead individuals to idealize their new partner and overlook potential incompatibilities or warning signs.

This is why it’s wise to strike a balance between the intense emotions that accompany a new relationship and a more deliberate, gradual approach to truly getting to know the person beyond the initial physical connection. Taking the time to delve into each other’s values, life goals, interests, and communication styles is essential for constructing a healthy and enduring partnership. While the chemistry and allure associated with intimate encounters can be thrilling, it’s essential to temper these emotions with a realistic and comprehensive evaluation of compatibility to ensure that the relationship is grounded in a solid foundation for the future.



The Role of Hormones

The allure of “everlasting love” and the feeling of discovering one’s “true soul mate” after fluid bonding can be attributed to the influence of hormones. Oxytocin, often known as the “love hormone” or “bonding hormone,” takes center stage in this emotional symphony. It creates a deep sense of attachment and affection between individuals, often described as the pinnacle of romantic love.


Fluid Bonding Partner Attraction



While the emotional intensity experienced through fluid bonding is undeniable, it’s essential to acknowledge the potential drawbacks:

DISTORTED PERCEPTION: The overwhelming influence of bonding hormones can distort our perception of reality. We may become so enveloped in the emotional connection that we overlook fundamental compatibility issues.

RUSHING INTO COMMITMENT:In some cases, the rush of emotions may lead individuals to commit to a long-term relationship prematurely. Over time, as the initial euphoria subsides, the realities of compatibility may become more apparent.

RISK OF IMCOMPATIBILITY: Making a long-term commitment based solely on the emotional connection formed through fluid bonding can lead to challenges down the road when compatibility issues surface.





To maintain a balanced approach when it comes to intimacy and emotional bonds:

EXERCISE CAUTION: Avoid the urge to rush into fluid bonding. Allow your relationship to develop naturally, and take the time to understand your partner on various levels.

OPEN COMMUNICATION: Maintain open and honest communication with your partner. Discuss your expectations, values, and long-term goals to ensure compatibility beyond the emotional bond.

EVALUATE COMPATIBILITY: Assess compatibility in different aspects of life, such as communication styles, conflict resolution, values, interests, and life goals.

PROTECTION INITIALLY:If you choose to engage in sexual activity, consider using protection initially until you have a better understanding of your partner and your relationship.

SEEK PROFESSIONAL GUIDANCE: If you have concerns about your relationship or are unsure about the pace of physical intimacy, don’t hesitate to seek advice from a counselor or therapist who can provide guidance.





While fluid bonding can create intense emotional connections and awaken feelings of deep love and attachment, it’s essential to balance these emotions with a rational assessment of your relationship’s overall compatibility.

Emotional bonding should complement a healthy relationship, not serve as its sole foundation. Taking the time to truly understand your partner and make informed decisions can help you build a strong and lasting connection based on both emotional chemistry and compatibility. Ultimately, nurturing a meaningful and enduring relationship is a journey that requires patience, self-awareness, and a commitment to building a solid foundation.


Fluid Bonding Partner Attraction

Fluid Bonding Partner AttractionWritten by Aleena Aspley, Brisbane Australia

23rd September 2023.




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