What are Guardian Angels

What are guardian angels, have you ever considered the possibilities that you may have your own personal guide who loves you and cares about your well being?

What are Guardian Angels

What are Guardian Angels?

Yes, I believe in guardian angels! To me, they are divine spiritual beings, that are assigned to us from birth and are with us for our whole lives for our own personal protection.

I do believe that we have more than one guardian angel, however, my personal guardian angel’s name is Bairn, he is my guide, a helping intermediatry between the divine realms, to give me guidance, comfort, intuitive inspiration and to fully assist me as I live my life, in my physical human body.

So, do you believe in Guardian Angels?

Do you ask your guardian angels for advice and guidance to help you make life choices?

Have you ever quietened your mind, meditated and relaxed into very low brain waves, so you can hear an answer from your guardian angel?

For me personally, I have received many messages from my guardian angel Bairn. I would describe the experience as a message that is whispered into my ear. 

I have been a professional energetic bodyworker for nearly 20 years. My intuition is very important to me and I do my very best to always listen to the whispers in my ear.

My personal success, in my life and especially during my working career, as a Yoni Whisperer Bodyworker, is thankfully accepted with great gratifude. Through trusting my intuition and listening to the advice from Bairn, I am able to connect to my female client, actively listen, hear her personal history and as I work I hear magical answers and solid advice about how to best assist her to personally heal herself and open herself to the best life that she can live.

There are also times when I have physically been in the presence of my guardian angel, it has been a time when I have been in deep dispair, depressed and sad. 

Physical Contact…

Bairn has physically made contact with me a couple of times in my life when I have experienced loss and my energetic life-force has been at an all time low. I would describe this experience as a time when I hit rock bottom and Bairn appeared in my path to help me.

My First Heart Break…

The first time that I met Bairn was when I was 22 years old. I had just come out of a 6 year committed relationship and I was completely crushed because my fiance had cheated on me.

I had never experienced this kind of loss before. I could not come to terms, with the fact, that a person that I had loved and trusted had deceived me. I felt unbelievable anger towards my ex, I hated him, I loved him and I so missed him.

A few days after our breakup, I was by myself, at my workplace and Bairn came into my office and he spoke to me for a long period of time. He was a blonde male in his 30s, very compassionate, helpful and understanding.  It was only after he was gone that I wondered who this person was and the divine loving assistance that he gave to me. This is an experience that one never, ever forgets!

My 2008 Experience…

The second time that Bairn came into my life physically was as a bodyworker. It was during the global financial crisis of 2008. At the time, a business that I owned was going to be closed down. I did not know how I was going to make the bank payments and I was experiencing many negative thoughts.  

Bairn showed up at my studio as a bodyworker and I received the most amazing holistic bodywork which empowered me to pick myself up and recover from the business loss.  As I said earlier, another moment in my life that I will never forget!

Giving thanks…

Are there times in your life, where you have experienced divine intervention?

If yes, do take this moment to express your gratitude for your guardian angel’s unwavering presence. Give thanks for their constant care and guidance. Feel their love, fueling your body, mind and spirit with strength and courage.

Remember, you are eternally connected to your guardian angels. Their love is boundless, and their support is everlasting. Embrace their presence, trust in their guidance, and allow their love to illuminate your path as you navigate the beautiful journey of life.




What are Guardian AngelsWritten by Aleena Aspley 25 June 2023

Owner of Yoni Whisperer Bodywork

Brisbane Queensland Australia



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