EXPLORING THE JOY OF FEMININE PLEASURE — Holistic Healing Yoni Massage Bodywork Brisbane

Holistic Healing Yoni Massage

Holistic Healing Yoni Massage and the positive outcomes, of awakening her feminine goddess shakti energy, by certified Sexological Bodyworker Aleena Aspley.

Holistic Healing Yoni Massage



Yoni bodywork is a holistic practice that embraces the respectful and intimate massage of the external vulva, clitoris, and vagina.

A Yoni massage invites a woman to embark on an open and positive journey towards a  deeper connection to her body, awakening her into heightened self-awareness, and the exploration of her unique pleasure pathways.

In addittion, a Yoni massage is a  transformative experience that can empower a woman to fully embrace her sexuality, cultivate a stronger sense of self, awaken her libido and assist her to understand her bodies innate wisdom.

Holistic Healing Yoni MassageExperiencing pleasure is a natural and inherent aspect of being a woman. It is a vital part of our feminine physical, emotional, and psychological well-being.


Pleasure can encompass a wide range of sensations and experiences, including those related to bliss, joy, happiness, laughter, intimacy, sensuality and orgasm. 

Pleasure should be our number one erotic priority!


Holistic Healing Yoni Massage


A Yoni Massage can be a very transformative experience, as it invites her to shed societal conditioning.  Yoni awakening asks her to fully reconnect to her whole body and feel many different sensations of touch.  By embracing touch sensations and while relaxing into her body, she is giving her body permission to feel pleasure, experience emotions, address body issues, release shame and trauma blocks.

Holistic Yoni bodywork, challenges her to open her heart, mind, body, soul and spirit, while inviting her to awaken into her sensual, multi-orgasmic wild woman.

By connecting to her Yoni, she can tap into the very source of life itself. It is an opportunity to honor and embrace her feminine essence, nurturing and opening, her sexual self, into a profound sense of full body awareness and feminine empowerment.


Holistic Healing Yoni Massage



Yoni bodywork, with personalized intimacy coaching, can assist a woman to gain a better understanding of her female anatomy. With somantic sex education and intimate massage she can discover her many body pleasure zones, the sensual touch that she desires and confidently know her own unique erogenous zones.




Yoni mapping offers a powerful and effective approach to release past traumas and emotional blockages stored in the female pelvic region. Through gentle and targeted massage techniques, yoni mapping works to release tension, open pleasure pathways, and facilitate a profound connection to her entire body. This transformative practice enables women to heal, rejuvenate, and fully embrace her capacity for pleasure.




Yoni mapping is a transformative practice that goes beyond the physical aspect of pleasure. By creating a safe and nurturing space, it allows women to embark on a journey of self-discovery, reclaiming their sensuality and cultivating a positive connection to their yoni.

Through intentional touch, breathwork, relaxation and exploration, yoni mapping can awaken dormant sensations, expand the range of pleasure, and unlock new pathways to orgasmic experiences.

Yoni mapping offers her an opportunity to let go of any limiting beliefs or past traumas, enabling a woman to embrace her sexuality fully and open her body to the potential for multiple, powerful orgasms.

Yoni mapping empowers a woman to embrace her body, celebrate her pleasure, and embark on a path of profound self-discovery.


Holistic Healing Yoni Massage


Yoni mapping expands a woman’s capacity for pleasure by creating a safe and nurturing space for exploration. Through gentle touch, breathwork, and intentional awareness, yoni massage helps release physical and emotional tension, allowing for a deeper connection to many sensual sensations.

By unlocking blocked energy and activating pleasure pathways, yoni mapping can enhance sensitivity, increase orgasmic potential, and open her body to more heightened pleasure.




Yoni mapping can be beneficial for the female pelvic floor by increasing awareness, releasing tension, and promoting relaxation. Through gentle massage and guided exploration, Yoni massage helps identify areas of tightness or imbalance, allowing for targeted therapeutic techniques to restore balance, improve circulation, and enhance overall pelvic floor health and function.




Body confidence is a vital aspect of overall well-being and self-acceptance. By embracing her yoni through practices like yoni mapping, a woman can cultivate a profound sense of body acceptance, self-love, and empowerment.

Holistic Healing Yoni MassageConnecting with her yoni and understanding its unique beauty fosters a positive body image, allowing her to appreciate and honor her body’s natural beauty and capabilities.

This deep sense of self-acceptance radiates into other aspects of her life, enhancing overall self-confidence and promoting a healthier relationship with her body and sexuality. It empowers her to embrace her feminine essence, celebrate her body, and embody a newfound sense of body confidence.


Holistic Healing Yoni Massage


When a woman books a holistic Yoni Massage session, the utmost importance is placed on creating a safe and respectful environment where consent, safety, and boundaries are deeply honored.

Her comfort, well-being and modesty are prioritized throughout her entire bodywork experience. Feeling safe is essential for fostering open communication and trust, and establishing a respectful space, where she can fully relax and and engage in her healing journey with confidence.




Yoni mapping is a holistic practice that recognizes the intricate interplay between the heart, body, mind, soul, and spirit. It embraces the understanding that the yoni is a gateway to deeper aspects of oneself.

Through intentional touch, breathwork, and conscious awareness, yoni mapping creates an opportunity for profound self-exploration, emotional healing, and spiritual connection. It promotes a harmonious integration of these dimensions, fostering a sense of wholeness, empowerment, and alignment with her true feminine essence.




Holistic Healing Yoni Massage“I am truly passionate about my Yoni Whisperer Bodywork vocation. It’s not just a job for me; it’s a calling and a source of inspiration.

Each day, I still wake up excited and motivated to make a meaningful impact in my field.

Also, I am deeply committed to continuously learning, growing, and honing my skills to stay at the forefront of my industry.

It is Aleena’s driving force and personal belief that pleasure, as a human right, acknowledges our innate human capacity for joy, happiness, and sexual fulfillment.

Aleena Aspley, based in North Brisbane, is a Certified Sexological Bodyworker, Somatic Sex Coach & Educator and NEO Tantra Professional.

Aleena is the owner of Yoni Whisperer Bodywork, Lingam Whisperer Bodywork and Couples Orgasmic Mastery.


Holistic Healing Yoni Massage

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