TEN SELF LOVE AFFIRMATIONS from your Guardian Angels

Ten Self Love Affirmations

Ten Self Love Affirmations from your Guardian Angels to uncondionally nurture your body, mind and spirit.


From Your Guardian Angels

by Aleena Aspley – 17th May 2023



Guardian angels are spiritual beings believed to be assigned to each person from birth. They are seen as loving and divine messengers who watch over and guide us throughout our earthly life. 

Guardian angels lovingly offer protection, guidance and support. They are seen as intermediaries between the divine realm and human beings, acting as sources of comfort, inspiration, and assistance.

Guardian angels can personally communicate with us through signs, synchronicities, intuition, and inner guidance. They are thought to provide comfort and reassurance in times of difficulty, inspire creative ideas, and offer protection from harm.



I believe that our guardian angels shower us with unconditional love, standing as compassionate beings who watch over us, with unwavering devotion. They offer gentle guidance, as we fully experience life on this earth plane, leading us along our life’s path, providing protection in their loving embrace.


Ten Self Love Affirmations

Ten Self Love Affirmations


Find a safe and comfortable place, where you will not be interupted, then take ten deep breaths, breathing in through your nose and then breathing even slower out of your relaxed mouth, at the same time centre yourself in the present moment.

Close your eyes and imagine your guardian angels surrounding you with their loving presence.

Immerse yourself in the radiant energy of these celestial beings, envisioning their magnificent presence and feeling their divine essence. 

Your guardian angels emanate boundless goodness, love, and light, gracing you with their gracious smiles. Allow their pure white light of love to surround and embrace your entire being, nurturing you unconditionally in body, mind, and spirit.

As you connect with these ethereal beings, sense their loving gaze upon you, filled with compassion and acceptance. Feel their profound support and guidance as their luminous presence envelops you completely. Surrender to their loving embrace, knowing that you are unconditionally cherished and protected.

Let their radiant light permeate every cell of your being, dissolving any doubts or insecurities, and replacing them with a deep sense of self-love and empowerment. Allow their divine energy to heal and uplift you, fostering a harmonious alignment of heart, body, mind, and spirit.

In this sacred space of connection and love, bask in the transformative power of their presence. Feel the warmth and serenity that emanate from them, infusing your entire being with tranquility and joy.

Give yourself permission to open your heart and spirit to receive their blessings, knowing that you are supported on your journey of self-love, self-discovery and growth.

With gratitude and reverence, allow their radiant love to continue to envelop you, illuminating your path and nurturing your innermost essence.

Embrace the profound connection with these beautiful beings, knowing that their love and light are always with you, guiding you towards a life filled with love, joy, and self-fulfillment.

Now, open your eyes and slowly read these ten affirmations.

Read each affirmation, silently or aloud, passionately embracing each affirmation with your heart, mind body and spirit.  

Allow each affirmation to fully flow into your awareness, visualize and believe that your loving guardian angels are personally whispering to you each affirmation. 


Read Slowly and Whole-Heartedly Passionately believe:

  1. I am deserving of love and kindness, simply because I exist.
  2. I accept myself unconditionally and embrace my imperfections.
  3. I am worthy of happiness and joy in all areas of my life.
  4. I honor and respect my needs, setting healthy boundaries that nurture my well-being.
  5. I am grateful for my unique qualities and the gifts I bring to the world.
  6. I release self-judgment and embrace self-compassion in every moment.
  7. I choose to let go of the past and embrace the present moment with love and forgiveness.
  8. I trust in my own inner wisdom and follow the path that aligns with my authentic self.
  9. I radiate love and positivity, creating meaningful connections with others.
  10. I am a powerful co-creator of my reality, manifesting love, abundance, and success.


Put Your Hand over your Heart and Visualize

Feel the loving energy of these affirmations resonating within you, filling your entire being with self-love and empowerment. Allow any doubts or negative thoughts to dissipate, replaced by a deep sense of self-worth and confidence.


Say to Yourself

“I willingly accept and fully embrace these ten empowering affirmations, now in this present moment. As I navigate through my day, my subconscious mind continuously integrates these ten affirmations, nurturing my self-love, self-care, and spiritual growth.

Today, I am open and receptive to the positive transformation these affirmations bring to my life. They guide me towards a deeper understanding of myself, allowing me to cultivate self-love, prioritize my self-care, and assit me to embark on my journey of spiritual expansion.”

Ten Self Love Affirmations


Ten Self Love AffirmationsIn this moment, feel the resonance of these ten affirmations within you, allowing them to permeate your consciousness and shape your thoughts and actions.

Trust in the profound impact your affirmations have on your well-being, nurturing your self-love and empowering your personal growth.

With gratitude, embrace the continual flow of these ten affirmations, knowing that they support you on your path towards self-discovery and inner fulfillment.



Thank your guardian angels for their guidance and support, knowing that they are always by your side, ready to assist you on your journey of self-love.



Ten Self Love Affirmations



Somatic Sex Educator & Coach

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Ten Self Love Affirmations


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Ten Self Love Affirmations
