NEO-TANTRA SACRED SPIRITUAL BODYWORK — What Happens in A Tantric Massage Session?

NEO-Tantra Sacred Spiritual Bodywork

Neo-Tantra Sacred Spiritual Bodywork a blog written by Aleena Aspley Somatic Sex Educator located in Brisbane Queensland Australia.


NEO-Tantra Sacred Spiritual BodyworkNEO Tantra, also known as “New Age” or “Neo-Tantra,” is a modern interpretation of traditional Tantra that emerged in the 20th century. While traditional Tantra is a spiritual and philosophical tradition that originated in India over a thousand years ago, NEO Tantra incorporates elements of Western spirituality, psychology, and self-help to create a more contemporary approach to Tantra.

NEO Tantra emphasizes the integration of sexuality, spirituality, and personal growth, and emphasizes the cultivation of ecstatic and transcendent states of consciousness.

NEO Tantra incorporates practices such as breathwork, meditation, movement, and visualization to help individuals and couples connect with their bodies, emotions, and spirituality, and to experience deeper levels of intimacy, pleasure, and connection.

Unlike traditional Tantra, which often involves extensive training and initiation into specific lineages, NEO Tantra is more accessible and open to individuals of all backgrounds and experience levels. However, it’s important to note that there is controversy within the Tantra community about the authenticity and appropriateness of NEO Tantra practices, and that some traditional Tantra practitioners view it as a commercialized and distorted version of their spiritual tradition.


NEO-Tantra Sacred Spiritual Bodywork



Neo-tantric sessions are often focused on creating a safe and supportive space for individuals or couples to explore their sexuality and expand their understanding of intimacy and connection. The specific practices and activities involved in a neo-tantric session may vary depending on the practitioner and the needs and goals of the individuals involved.

Some common elements of a neo-tantric session may include:

  1. Breathwork: Conscious breathing techniques are often used in neo-tantric sessions to help individuals connect with their bodies and emotions, and to enhance their experience of pleasure and relaxation.
  2. Mindfulness: Practicing present-moment awareness can help individuals stay focused on their bodies and sensations during a neo-tantric session, and can support deeper connection with themselves and their partners.
  3. Touch and Bodywork: Sensual touch and bodywork may be used in neo-tantric sessions to help individuals release tension, connect with their bodies, and experience greater pleasure and intimacy. Some neo-tantric practitioners may also incorporate erotic touch, although this is always done with clear boundaries and consent.
  4. Sacred Sexuality Rituals: Some neo-tantric sessions may involve rituals or ceremonies that honor the sacredness of sexuality and create a sense of connection with the divine or spiritual aspects of sexuality.
  5. NEO-Tantra Sacred Spiritual BodyworkCommunication and Consent: Neo-tantric practitioners emphasize clear communication and enthusiastic consent throughout the session, and may offer guidance or support to help individuals and couples develop their communication and boundary-setting skills.

Overall, a neo-tantric session is designed to create a safe and supportive space for individuals or couples to explore their sexuality and deepen their connection with themselves and their partners. It is important to note that while neo-tantric sessions may involve erotic touch or sensual practices, they are always conducted with clear boundaries, consent, and respect for each person’s individual needs and boundaries.









Certified Sexological Bodyworker / Somatic Sexologist

NEO Tantra, Reiki & Chakrassage Professional

NEO-Tantra Sacred Spiritual Bodywork

Location:  North Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Mobile: 0404 449 433  (TEXT ME TO BOOK)

International: +61 404 449 433  (TEXT ME TO BOOK)


NEO-Tantra Sacred Spiritual Bodywork

BOOKINGS: Do text my mobile phone, with your name, and ask me to call you back.

BY APPOINTMENT: I am available Monday to Friday until 9pm. I do work occasional weekends, so just ask if I am available. Do book in advance because my booking diary fills up quickly.



NEO-Tantra Sacred Spiritual Bodywork.

The New School of Erotic Touch

NEO-Tantra Sacred Spiritual Bodywork