Sexual Assault Massage Maleny

Sexual Assault Massage Maleny

Sexual Assault Massage Maleny — Her experience having a relaxing massage with a licenced masseuse in the Maleny area. Has this happened to other woman also? Written by CSB Aleena Aspley on 14th September 2023.





It has been an interesting week with another female client telling me about her sexual assault by a licensed male massage therapist. In 2022, she had sought a massage as a means of self-care and relaxation, aiming to pamper herself. However, what transpired during her massage session left her profoundly traumatized afterwards.

As she recounted her ordeal, she described being completely caught off guard. Toward the conclusion of her massage, she had reached a state of blissed-out relaxation. It was at this vulnerable moment that her male masseuse proceeded to engage in unwarranted and non-consensual actions (fingering), causing her immense distress.

I am sharing this information in the hope that it may resonate with others in the Maleny area and its vicinity who have experienced similar incidents. If you have been a victim of this type of trauma, I strongly urge you to visit your local police station and report your experience.

By taking this step, you not only seek justice for yourself but also contribute to preventing such misconduct from occurring for other women. Sometimes, when one woman takes the brave step of sharing her experiences, it can inspire other victims to find the courage to share their own stories.





Instances of this type of sexual abuse are not frequent occurrences. Many male massage therapists operate highly professional and trustworthy businesses. These dedicated individuals are deeply committed to the field of health and wellness, and they uphold the integrity of their credentials with great pride.

Regrettably, amidst the majority of massage therapists who maintain high moral standards and respect their clients’ boundaries, there exists a very small minority who unethically attempt to overstep these boundaries, with the inappropriate hope of pursuing personal sexual gratification.


Sexual Abuse Massage Maleny



Both sexual misconduct and sexual harassment can pose significant challenges for massage therapists, especially when there is an abuse of power involved. 

Exploiting the therapist-client relationship for personal gratification constitutes an abuse of power. Therefore, it is imperative that massage therapists possess the knowledge and professionalism necessary to prevent such exploitative behavior.

Instances of sexual misconduct within the massage industry may encompass:

  1. Inappropriate personal conversations.
  2. Unwarranted physical contact.
  3. Casual comments that are not related to the therapy (e.g., making remarks about a client’s appearance).
  4. Inviting clients for social outings or encounters outside of the clinic.
  5. Offering dinners or alcoholic beverages to clients.
  6. Initiating personal phone calls, text messages, or social media interactions unrelated to business matters (while professional communication regarding services is acceptable, sending irrelevant jokes or personal messages is not).
  7. Gifting clients with inappropriate items.
  8. Providing insufficient or improper draping during sessions.

A licenced massage therapist, if reported, is ultimately held accountable for their conduct under the law. As a therapist, maintaining professionalism during interactions with clients is crucial.


Sexual Assault Massage Maleny

Sexual Assault Massage Maleny








The human response to stress and danger goes beyond the commonly known “fight or flight” reaction. While these two instinctual reactions are indeed fundamental, there are additional responses that individuals may employ when faced with threatening situations. These responses can be understood through the five “F” reactions: fight, flight, freeze, fawn, and flop.

FIGHT — The fight response is characterized by an individual’s instinct to confront and resist the threat head-on. When triggered, a person exhibiting the fight response becomes assertive, ready to defend themselves, their loved ones, or their interests. This can manifest as a surge of adrenaline and a determination to overcome the danger, even if it means engaging in physical or verbal confrontation.

FLIGHT —  In contrast to the fight response, flight involves the impulse to escape or evade the threatening situation. This reaction is marked by a desire to remove oneself from harm’s way quickly. Flight responses can range from physically fleeing a scene to emotionally distancing oneself from the source of stress.

FREEZE —  The freeze response occurs when an individual becomes immobilized or “stuck” in response to danger. It is characterized by a temporary paralysis of action, often accompanied by a heightened state of alertness. This reaction can be seen as a survival strategy, allowing the person to assess the situation before deciding whether to fight, flee, or take another course of action.

FAWN —  The fawn response is a less commonly discussed but equally important reaction to threats. In this response, individuals seek to appease or please the threatening party in an attempt to de-escalate the situation. This can involve being overly compliant, accommodating, or submissive as a means of avoiding harm or conflict. The fawn response is often seen in individuals who have experienced repeated trauma or abuse.

FLOP — The flop response, also referred to as the “freeze-flop” response, involves a physical or emotional collapse in reaction to a perceived threat. This can manifest as a sudden loss of muscle tone, a feeling of helplessness, or even fainting. It is thought to be an extreme form of the freeze response, where the individual’s body and mind become overwhelmed by stress, leading to a state of shutdown.

Understanding these five responses to stress and danger provides insight into the complexity of human reactions in threatening situations.

People may employ a combination of these responses depending on the context, their personal history, and their innate coping mechanisms.



Sexual Assault Massage Maleny


Sexual Assault Massage Maleny


Trauma responses often defy easy categorization, and individuals may not neatly fit into one or two of the 5 Fs (fight, flight, freeze, fawn, and flop), especially depending on the unique circumstances they face. It’s not unusual for people to oscillate between these responses, and in cases of profound trauma, these reactions can morph into hybrid forms, such as fight/fawn or flight/freeze.

Consider, for example, a common scenario: a heated argument with a loved one where both parties simultaneously feel the urge to disconnect and express their frustration. In moments of fawning, there might be an inner inclination to yield and preserve peace, even at the expense of admitting fault. The inclusion of the “flop” response within this spectrum underscores the intricate and multifaceted nature of trauma responses, emphasizing that individuals can employ a range of strategies to cope with and navigate the impact of trauma.








Seeking the guidance of a Somatic Sexologist, also recognized as a practitioner of Sexological Bodywork, can provide a distinct and valuable avenue for individuals seeking to address trauma through a combination of talk therapy and somatic bodywork. This holistic approach acknowledges that trauma can be stored not only in the mind but also within the body, offering several advantages for trauma healing:

Firstly, Somatic Sexologists are adept professionals who cultivate a safe, non-judgmental environment where clients can delve into their trauma-related emotions and experiences. Through talk therapy, clients have the opportunity to articulate their feelings, thoughts, and memories, facilitating a deeper understanding of how trauma has affected their lives. This verbal exploration is a pivotal component of the healing process, assisting individuals in making sense of their experiences and embarking on the path to recovery.

Secondly, the somatic facet of sexological bodywork adds a distinct and potent dimension to this therapeutic method. Trauma often manifests physically as tension, discomfort, and other bodily sensations. Somatic Sexologists are trained to address these physical manifestations of trauma. They employ touch, breathwork, and body awareness exercises to help clients release stored tension, reestablish a harmonious connection with their bodies, and cultivate healthier relationships with their physical selves. This somatic approach can be particularly beneficial for individuals whose trauma has resulted in physical discomfort or a disconnection from their own bodies.

Moreover, Somatic Sexologists equip clients with tools and techniques to regulate their nervous systems. Trauma can disrupt the nervous system’s equilibrium, giving rise to symptoms such as anxiety, hyperarousal, or dissociation. Through somatic bodywork practices, clients can acquire the skills to self-regulate, fostering a sense of safety and relaxation—essential components of the healing journey.

The integration of talk therapy and somatic bodywork within Sexological Bodywork forms a holistic and comprehensive strategy for trauma healing. Clients can express their experiences verbally while simultaneously addressing the physical manifestations of trauma in their bodies. This dual approach can lead to a more profound and enduring transformation.

The benefits of engaging with a Somatic Sexologist or participating in sexological bodywork for trauma healing lie in the all-encompassing nature of this therapeutic method. By merging talk therapy with somatic bodywork, individuals can gain a deeper comprehension of their trauma, release physical tension, and acquire the means to regulate their nervous systems. This multifaceted approach supports individuals of all genders on their journey to healing, helping them reclaim ownership of their bodies after enduring abuse and sexual trauma..




My heart goes out to my female client for her bravery in sharing her deeply personal and troubling experience with me. It’s a stark reminder that within the seemingly tranquil world of massage therapy, there can be disturbing shadows of misconduct and violation.

Let’s remember that her experience is not an isolated incident. Inappropriate touching, abuse, and boundary violations can happen to anyone, anywhere. By giving voice to these stories, we’re taking a crucial step towards dismantling the structures that enable such misconduct.

Let’s advocate together for safer and more ethical massage therapy practices, ones that prioritize the well-being and respect of every single client.


Sexual Abuse Massage Maleny


I’m not a medical professional, and the information provided here is for general informational purposes only. It should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

If you have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 000 immediately. Reliance on any information provided by me or this platform is solely at your own risk.


Sexual Assault Massage Maleny

Ms. Aleena Aspley Certified Somatic Sexologist Brisbane

Written by Aleena Aspley who is a Certifed Sexological Bodyworker / Somatic Sexologist & NEO Tantra Intimacy Coach. Aleena’s bodywork studio is located in North Brisbane and is by appointment only.

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Sexual Assault Massage Maleny