Female Ejaculation Fact Fiction
Female ejaculation fact or fiction? So, is female ejaculation real or an urban myth? I have written about squirting before and I have personally seen female ejaculation, up close, with female clients that I have coached in the art of Yoni Whisperer Orgasmic Mapping. In addition, as an Intimacy and Sex Coach, I have been squirting myself now for many years! Written by CSB Aleena Aspley – 29th June 2014.
Re-Written and Updated on 23rd September 2023
The female body is indeed a mystery and female ejaculation (FE) is an authentic phenomenon with a rich history of documentation. Throughout history, scholars and experts in both Eastern and Western cultures have explored the intellectual dimensions of female ejaculation during orgasm.
In ancient Asia, this phenomenon was well-documented and featured prominently in various Chinese Taoist texts as early as the 4th century. The ancient Chinese perspective on female ejaculation, distinct from reproductive purposes, found corroboration in ancient Indian writings. References to female ejaculation and the Gräfenberg spot (G-spot) can be traced back to a 7th-century poem, and these topics were extensively discussed in works of the Karma Sutra.
In the realm of Western thought, the emission of female fluid was noted even earlier, with Aristotle mentioning it around 300 B.C. and Galen in the 2nd century.
It wasn’t until the 16th century that Reinjier De Graaf provided the first scientific description of female ejaculation and referred to the periurethral glands as the female prostate. This concept persisted among scientists for centuries, ultimately leading to Ernst Gräfenberg’s 1952 report on “The role of the urethra in female orgasm.” Contemporary research has now shed light on the anatomy of the female prostate, establishing female ejaculation as one of its recognized functions.
In the 19th century, Richard von Krafft-Ebing, often regarded as the pioneer of modern sexology, introduced a perspective on female ejaculation that it was predominantly associated with homosexuality in women. In his view FE was associated with concerns about degeneracy, where individuals considered ‘weak’ were often attributed to their unconventional sexual behaviors.
Krafft-Ebing operated within a cultural backdrop steeped in anxieties surrounding degeneration, where humanity grappled with a perpetual conflict between primal desires and moral conduct. Female ejaculation served as yet another focal point for apprehensions about excessive or unconventional sexuality in women. This not only symbolized their departure from expected sexual passivity but also suggested a perceived shortfall in fulfilling their reproductive roles.”
From what I have been researching it seems that over the past two thousand years female ejaculation has been driven underground, forgotten about and in my opinion sexually repressed.
It was once thought that female ejaculation was just urine, however, through scientific testing it has been documented that FE has a different chemical composition than urine and female ejaculation is quite similar to male ejaculate, however of course, without the sperm. A laboratory analysis of this fluid has revealed the presence of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), an enzyme typically found in male semen, aiding in sperm motility.
It also contains fructose, a type of sugar found in male semen that serves as an energy source for sperm cells.
In addition, female ejaculate has been observed to contain some elements akin to those encountered in urine, namely urea and creatinine. Nonetheless, these elements are present at lower concentrations compared to urine.
In 1981, Annie Sprinkle starred in the groundbreaking adult film “Deep Inside Annie Sprinkle,” which not only showcased her performances but also provided a candid look at her personal experiences and sexuality. This film was one of the first to openly address female ejaculation, empower the female gender and promoting positive sexuality.
1. CREAMY FLUID — I have been giving intimate bodywork to women for many years now and everytime I give vaginal bodywork, I have witnessed creamy white fluid originating from inside the vagina.
Through my own research, I have read that this creamy white fluid is released from the Bartholin’s glands located just inside the opening of the vagina. According to this 2011 study, female ejaculate contains some of the same components as semen, including prostate-specific antigen (PSA).

Female ejaculate is a creamy, white-ish fluid released from the Bartholin’s glands located just inside the opening of the vagina.
Female Ejaculation Fact Fiction
2. SQUIRTING / GUSHING — It has been my pleasure to assist many women open their body to female ejaculation known as squirting. Being in the presence of a woman squirting is an extraordinary experience! However, instead of using the word squirting, I certainly have been drenched by much gushing and one lady, in particular, could squirt, many times, high up into the air like a water fountain.
There are many women who book my Yoni Whisperer “Orgasmic Mapping” Bodywork session to experience orgasm and be coached, using my six Luminous Energy Orgasm techniques on how to expand their orgasm into explosive auric frequencies.
With some sex education, intimacy coaching and Orgasmic Mapping Bodywork every woman is able elevate her body into profound frequencies of multiple orgasms.
An Orgasmic Mapping Bodywork session gives every woman the skills to succesfully solo pleasure at home. When she is with her partner, she is able to express what she likes and how she likes to be aroused and stimulated.
Yoni Mapping is a very successful coaching session to awaken multiple orgasms and squirting. Also, when one of my female clients ejaculates for the very first time, the volume squirted is a major gush. A couple of times I have been drenched.
I’ve always wondered, if this copious amount of amrita represents an energy clearing for her, it is like she is squirting every orgasm that she has experienced in her lifetime – a spring clean so to speak?

Squirting fluid comes from the Skene’s glands located on the front wall of the vagina, surrounding the urethra.
3. PUSHING OUT URINE — Some women can push and bear down and expel urine. To me this is cheating because true squirting doesn’t need to be forced. Never ever bear down to squirt because this puts your pelvic floor at risk of weakening through excess downward pressure and over time this could lead to pelvic floor disfunction.
In some porn films, I believe that the female porn star is pushing downwards to squirt, in my opinion this is urine. True squirting requires no force or bearing down. The female body knows how to squirt amrita and with relaxation and stimulation there can be small squirts, a fountain of ejaculation or a copious amount of gushing fluid.
In my opinion, after giving bodywork to many women, squirting happens when a woman surrenders completely and also when her orgasm reaches a certain frequency.
Her intensity of orgasm is important. When a woman’s orgasm reaches a certain frequency and pressure builds in her vagina, the skene’s gland activates and she rhythmically trickles, pumps, squirts and gushes out amrita.
There have been times during sexual intercourse that I have wanted to squirt, this was because my partner loves watching me squirt. However, sometimes, it just wouldn’t happen. Maybe I wasn’t hydrated enough or aroused enough and I just wasn’t able to get there! The release wasn’t happening today.
So yes, I have pushed down to squirt and I have only done this a couple of times. It really isn’t a good idea because my pelvic floor felt different during the 24 hours afterwards. Intuitively I realised that bearing down wasn’t a smart idea — so don’t do this.
Also, my vagina, vulva clitoris and pubic bone area was extremely aroused and swollen. This puffiness and swelling actually stops a woman from expelling urine (just like a male, he can’t urinate when he has an erection).
So, as a Somatic Sexologist who likes to research orgasm and try different ideas to take my orgasms into out of the body experiences — I suggest never to bear down and push your body to squirt.
If it doesn’t happen naturally, then acknowledge that female ejaculation doesn’t happen every time a woman solo pleasures or engages in sex with her partner.
My personal passion is playing with orgasm and particularly for myself, I have thoroughly enjoy taking my orgasms into elevated and more advanced frequencies of orgasm.
It is my belief that orgasm can be measured as a frequency and with six unique energy techniques, people of all genders can explode their orgasms into their their aura and the cosmos.
I call this heightened and profoundly explosive experience of orgasm a Luminous Energy Orgasm (aka LEO).
I have been giving Yoni Mapping Bodywork since 2010.
Yoni Mapping Bodywork assists a woman to fully relax her whole genital cavity / pelvic structure and release any negative sexual experiences or trauma that she may be holding.
Relaxing and releasing trauma, dissolving scar tissue and negative sexual experiences is also called Yoni Dearmoring Bodywork. Do read more by Clicking Here.
Learning to squirt for the very first time can require patience. When coaching a woman, using my Yoni Orgasmic Mapping techniques, I am reminding her to completely relax, while at the same time feel highly arousing and stimulating sensations.
The engorgement of her Yoni is extremely important and easily cultivated by a long and slow Yoni Massage.
I guide every female Yoni Whisperer client to embrace her journey towards orgasm without rushing. The most satisfying orgasms are cultivated by allowing arousal to slowly build.
With the help of my six unique Luminous Energy Orgasm (LEO) techniques, a woman can spread her arousal and excitement into every cell of her body and aura, enhancing her climax.
Learning to squirt, for the first time, involves building pressure and with true surrender, while at the ultimate peak of her orgasm, her body can release and squirt.
Based on my past experiences coaching women to awaken and ejaculate, the sensation is often explosive, with major gushing, similar to a dam bursting. See pic below.
If you would like to learn how to squirt, then I suggest starting with a Yoni Mapping Bodywork session. You will need to put aside at least four hours when you book this awakening session.
Some women may require one Yoni Mapping Bodywork session, while others who have trauma and sexual assault issues may require more than one Yoni Mapping Bodywork session.
A Yoni Whisperer Orgasmic Mapping Bodywork session is your booking option to learn to squirt.
If you’d like to chat or book a bodywork appointment with me, then do scroll down this page for my contact details.
Written by CSB Aleena Aspley – 29th June 2014.
Re-Written and Updated on 23rd September 2023
YONI MAPPING MASSAGE — #1 Awakening, Breath, Presence & Grounding
FEMALE AMRITA SQUIRTING 101 – Is is Real or a Golden Shower?
Female Ejaculation Fact Fiction
Ms. Aleena Aspley
Certified Sexological Bodyworker / Somatic Sexologist
NEO Tantric Sex & Intimacy Coach
Location: North Brisbane (by appointment only)
Mobile: 0404 449 433
International: +61 404 449 433
(Text me and request a call back)
My Bodywork Directory — www.AleenaAspley.com.au
Women — www.YoniWhisperer.com.au
Men — www.LingamWhisperer.com.au
Couples — www.TantricWhisperer.com