VULVODYNIA — Persistant Pain And Discomfort

Vulvodynia Persistant Pain Discomfort

Vulvodynia Persistant Pain Discomfort, a blog by Aleena Aspley who is a certified Sexological Bodyworker, located in North Brisbane.

Vulvodynia Persistant Pain Discomfort


Vulvodynia is a chronic condition characterized by persistent pain and discomfort in the vulva, the external genitalia of the female reproductive system. The term “vulvodynia” is derived from the Latin words “vulva” (referring to the external female genitalia) and “odynia” (meaning pain). This condition can have a significant impact on a person’s quality of life, affecting physical, emotional, and sexual well-being.



Some potential causes and contributing factors of vulvodynia are:

  1. Nerve Damage or Irritation: Nerve-related issues, such as damage or irritation to the nerves in the vulvar region, can play a role in vulvodynia. This can result from injury, infection, or other factors that affect the nerves in the area.
  2. Muscular Tension: Chronic muscle tension in the pelvic floor muscles can lead to vulvar pain and discomfort. Conditions like pelvic floor dysfunction or hypertonic pelvic floor muscles can contribute to the development of vulvodynia.
  3. Hormonal Changes: Fluctuations in hormone levels, such as those that occur during menopause, can contribute to vulvar pain and sensitivity.
  4. Inflammation: Inflammation in the vulvar region can cause pain and discomfort. Inflammatory conditions such as vulvar vestibulitis or autoimmune disorders may be associated with vulvodynia.
  5. Genetic Predisposition: There may be a genetic component to vulvodynia, as it can sometimes run in families. Certain genetic factors may increase the susceptibility to developing the condition.
  6. History of Sexual Abuse or Trauma: Past experiences of sexual abuse, trauma, or other forms of psychological distress can be linked to the development of vulvodynia in some cases.
  7. Allergies or Irritants: Allergic reactions or sensitivities to certain substances, such as soaps, laundry detergents, or personal care products, can cause vulvar irritation and pain.
  8. Chronic Candida Infections: Recurrent or chronic yeast infections, caused by Candida overgrowth, have been associated with vulvodynia in some individuals.

Vulvodynia Persistant Pain Discomfort


Yoni massage can be a potentially beneficial approach for individuals with vulvodynia.The primary goal of yoni massage in the context of vulvodynia is to promote relaxation, release muscle tension, and help individuals reconnect with their bodies in a safe and supportive environment.

When performed by a skilled and certified Sexological Bodyworker, yoni massage can offer several potential benefits for individuals with vulvodynia. The gentle and mindful touch used in yoni massage techniques can help promote blood flow to the pelvic area, reduce muscle tension, and improve overall relaxation. This can potentially alleviate some of the discomfort and pain associated with vulvodynia.



Moreover, yoni massage can help individuals with vulvodynia reconnect with their bodies and explore their sensuality in a controlled and consensual manner. It can promote a sense of empowerment, self-acceptance, and self-care, which are essential aspects of managing the emotional and psychological impact of vulvodynia.

It is crucial to approach yoni massage for vulvodynia with caution and ensure that it is conducted by a practitioner who has expertise in working with individuals with this condition. Communication and consent are key throughout the session, and the practitioner should be sensitive to the individual’s pain thresholds and boundaries.


Overall, yoni massage can have a role to play in supporting individuals with vulvodynia by promoting relaxation, body awareness, and self-care. 

Living with vulvodynia can be challenging as it often goes undiagnosed or misdiagnosed due to its complex nature. The physical symptoms may be accompanied by emotional distress, including anxiety, depression, and feelings of isolation. Many individuals with vulvodynia struggle to find effective treatment options and face difficulties in seeking support and understanding from healthcare providers, friends, and even partners.

Ultimately, by acknowledging and addressing the challenges posed by vulvodynia, we can work towards improving the lives of Yoni owners living with this chronic pain condition.



Vulvodynia Persistant Pain DiscomfortI am a Certified Somatic Sexologist (Sexological Bodyworker), Somatic Sex Educator and Professional NEO Tantra Intimacy & Relationship Coach.

I am a mature and positive lady, I’m very easy to talk to and you will find me extremely passionate about Somatic Sex Education.

My Yoni Whisperer Bodywork studio, located in North Brisbane, is welcoming and private. I respect your confidentiality and I would be honoured to meet you in person, to discuss your desire to improve your confidence in the bedroom.

Vulvodynia Persistant Pain Discomfort

A Free Phone Chat

I do understand that you may have never considered a Yoni Mapping Massage and that you may be shy or nervous. I am always available for a free confidential chat on the phone.  If you would like to do this, then do text my mobile phone (0404 449 433) and request that I call you back.




Somatic Sex Educator & Coach

Certified Sexological Bodyworker (2010)

NEO Tantra Professional <> Reiki <> Kinesiology <> Bars

Vulvodynia Persistant Pain Discomfort


North Brisbane, Qld, Australia

Mobile:  0404 449 433 (Text me to book your appointment)

International:  +61 404 449 433



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Vulvodynia Persistant Pain Discomfort
